CS:GO uses UDP and TCP, so make sure it is set to use both. Once you have found the port forwarding section on your router's control panel, you will need to put in CS:GO's ports.

Some routers have this area specifically labelled. This will include a number of boxes, and drop down boxes with letters like TCP. The basic process, is to log into the router, look for the port section. It has specific guides for many routers, and will give you a much more detailed guide on the specific process. To forward a port on your router, you'll need to know the make and model of your router. Once this finishes, you now have the required files for the game. Once you have the path set, download the files with this command:.This will create a directory for you to install the files to, and it will then open that directory in SteamCMD. Open SteamCMD, and type the following commands: This is basically redownloading the entire game, with some added features for servers. Once you have SteamCMD, you'll need to download the server files for CSGO. That link has some more detailed instructions, but basically just make a folder named "steamcmd" somewhere, download the file in the link, and extract it to your new folder. You will need to download and install SteamCMD. If you can get into your router and you can forward ports, here's what you need to do:

This eliminates any of the hassle of setup, but you may get random players. That's right, the simplest way to play with friends is find an empty server through the Community server list, and invite them there. If you can't access the admin page on your router, or your router doesn't support specific port forwarding, or if you simply don't want to download a bunch of files, the easier route is to find an empty server.
#Server command xray vision csgo how to
Doing this is actually pretty easy, but you will need to know how to forward ports on your router, and you will need to download the CS:GO server files. To play with your friends, you'll need to set up a private server. Playing offline with bots is exactly what it says on the tin you're offline, with outside connections being accepted.