The Animate Solution dialog box allow for selecting start/end solutions (time), the step factor (number of solutions to skip between each frame), a pause (in seconds) between each frame, and optionally an image or movie file format to record/save to (JPEG, PNG, MP4, AVI). After selecting from the 2D plot options and pressing OK or Apply a new figure will open with the projected slice plot (a preview of the slice is also shown in the 3D plot axis).Īnimations of the results ( postanimate) can be created by selecting the Animate button in the Postprocessing Settings dialog box or Animate/Playback Solution. When selected, the Slice Plot Settings dialog box is opened where one must first specify a slicing plane via a Plane point and Plane normal. menu option allows for plotting and visualization of 3D slices onto a 2D plane. The result will be printed in the Evaluation Result field as well as the command log in the main GUI.

The numerical Integration Rule prescribes how many evaluation points should be used for each grid cell in the evaluation process. In the Selection edit field a space separated list of Subdomains or Boundaries is specified for which the minima and maximia should be evaluated. The Solution Number/Time can also be selected if more than one is present. The Evaluation Expression can either be selected from a list of predefined postprocessing expressions, or entered as a user defined custom expression in the corresponding edit field. The Post menu allows for the following advanced postprocessing options.Įvaluates the minimum and maximum values for expressions on subdomains ( minmaxsubd) or boundaries ( minmaxbdr). In 3D a Transparency slider is also available to control the opacity of the plots. Colormap selects a colormap to use, the Colorbar check box toggles the colorbar on and off, and the Limits vector indicates and prescribes the minimum and maximum values of the colorbar range. For example, the cell selection expression x>0 would only plot cells on the positive x-axis. Moreover, with Cell selection one can limit the postprocessing to a certain subset of cells by entering a logical expression.

General settings allow for selecting Solution time (or Eigenvalue/frequency for eigenvalue problems) if several solutions are available as with time-dependent problems. The postprocessing options are explained in more detail below. Moreover, there are options for choosing the solution to display (for time dependent solutions), selecting or excluding which cells to display, and setting the min and max plot scale limits, and switching the colorbar on and off. The visualization options in Postprocessing Settings dialog box shown in the following figure include choosing pre-defined or entering user defined custom expressions for surface, height, contour, slice, arrow, and deformation plots.

dialog box, and advanced postprocessing options such as subdomain and boundary integration, and export and interfacing with external tools as explained in the section below. The Post menu allows for switching to Postprocessing Mode, opening the Postprocessing Settings.
An internet connection may be required to access and download the corresponding web reader, and the exported plot data might be required to be loaded into the viewer manually. These types of web plots can be conveniently be inspected, manipulated, exported, and shared via the web. The and buttons allow exporting the currently visualized postprocessing data as ParaView Glance (VTP) and Plotly web plots, respectively.